Enchanted Rocks
Orange Carnelian
Promotes A warm and energising stone, great for invigorating the mind and body. Promotes energy, creativity and self-esteem.
Carnelian stones can be identified by their range of orange- red hues. Traditionally, Carnelian has a beautiful smooth, almost waxy appearance, along with a iridescent finish. Iron oxide is one of the main components of this stone.
Simply Cleanse Orange/Red Carnelian with clean running water and a touch of Celtic Sea-Salt, or moon-water. You can also light sage incense near to it, to maintain cleansing/ retain positive energy and repel any negative energy that may be attached. When using water, simply dry it with a soft cloth, Carnelian can be recharged by situating it in sunlight for a day or two.
Healing Properties:
This beautiful crystal aids the nervous system by attracting calm and tranquillity.
Emotional Well-being:
Orange Carnelian is associated with warmth and is believed to assist with finding strength and courage, as well as promoting balance and harmony.
Great for meditation, especially when concentrating on the Sacral Chakra. This stone is also recognised as one of the best stones for assisting with creative tasks and creative ideas and flow.
If you are looking for something to help with protecting right brain thinking and creative ideas, this stone will help you with dreaming up new ideas and protecting your creative flow and ideas.